Last month we were supporting the garden team at Barcham Trees PLC. A unique project to create an outdoor environment for customers & visitors to enjoy and get a visual of nursery stock in situ. 🌳

Working with a strong garden crew we were able to complete phase 1 of seeding & ground preparation. Grow in work will now begin and once the site mature’s it will look spectacular.
Key features
*Royal Avenue* The garden is flourishing with lush greenery, starting with a tree planted by His Majesty King Charles.
*Garden Experience* The garden has been sectioned out to create a unique experience as you explore, including a Cherry Walk and Winter Garden.
*Tranquil Lake* The lake is full of newly planted water lilies and other aquatic plants, all complete with a three tiered fountain.

Finishing works & seeding
Our role was to support the garden team with ground preparation, final finishing works and seeding the 45,000 square metre site.
All areas were power harrowed, graded, & levelled, working the soil to create a lovely seed bed. The ‘Royal Avenue’ was laser graded prior to seeding to create a perfect approach to the lake where subtle banks roll seamlessly to the waters edge.
A real team effort and thanks to Jonathan Taylor and all the staff at Barcham for the opportunity to be involved, also Graeme Black (Thorntrees Amenity) & Simon Renwick (PG Horticulture) great job guys.

Product specification
Seed : PM50 Quality Lawn
Pre-seed fertiliser : 6-9-6 outfield
Grow in fertiliser : DCM Minigran 14-4-7
Drop seeder : SS2 Professional
Progress Video ⬇️